
(Alex Wong - Picture from FOX.COM,  So You Think You Can Dance)


A young fellow whose name Alex Wong was born in Vancouver Canada and starts his tap dance since he was 7 and had won so many dance competitions in tap and Jazz. He is 23 years old now and had been a member of Miami City Ballet since he was 17. He is so far the top 8 finalist at the FOX T.V. show called “So You Think You Can Dance” for season 7 (year 2010). What makes him so special is he’s gone to audition for season 6 last year with outstanding performance but due to his contract with Miami City Ballet, he was disqualified from that contest  as one of the top 20. This year, he is back to the show again and now is on top 8.


The show goes on air twice a week on Fox channel . The season 7 has been on air since June. Alex is doing so far so good. You can tell how amazing he is from his performance.   With his great effort and good tap, jazz, and ballet foundations and all his hard works which turn out beautiful performance each week. Especially for the performance he did on 6/30, Wednesday night, he teamed-up with the show’s former finalist Twitch…  they did a hip pop piece in the competition. The performance was really amazing.  It touched all audiences and judges, and they give him a standing ovation. No one had expected that he could dance hip pop this well I think. But the performance was magnificent, stunning and full of energy and it came out nicely and strong. He wowed the fans with the performance. Super~ I was totally speechless when I watched his dance on 6/30 with tears in my eyes.  I admire his great performance and a great ethnic Chinese he is!! I will keep following the show and looking forward to seeing more of Alex Wong’s good performances.



July 7.2010

This is update for the Alex Wong on Wednesday(7/7) night So you Think You Can Dance show: 

How sad, Alex Wong is suffering an apparent Achilles tendon rupture when he was doing the rehearsals on Tuesday. As a result, Alex won't be able to perform tonight(7/7) and will automatically become one of the bottom three contestants. The judges will then determine if he will be the bottom three eliminated on Thursday night. If he stays, and he can't perform next week, then he will be eliminated. Let's keep our fingers cross for him!


July 8.2010

Tonight (7/8/2010) Alex Wong was eliminated from the bottom three, because the

MRI result came out that shows Alex needs to have a surgery for his apparent Achilles tendon rupture. According to the doctor he needs to have a good rest for 3 months after the surgery.

It's sad to hear about the news but Alex Wong himself feels very grateful to be on the show with no regrets. I believe that he will be doing fine and will be back to the show for next year!


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